Indonesia's sport car market is on the booming. Right after the lauching of Lamborgini, Indonesia will see the launch of anoter spectacular sportcar, Lotus as reported by
Sportcar booming in Indonesia, Lamborgini and Lotus come in
Qatar to pump funds into German auto industry
Qatar plans to invest in the German automotive industry, making it the second Gulf Arab state to cast a friendly eye on the country's carmakers this week, Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani told a German magazine.
'But we have to find the right time and the right price,' the emir of Qatar said in an interview to be published in Der Spiegel on Monday.
Scania truck and bus assembly plant in Jafza, UAE, set to open this month
Swedish truck and bus manufacturer Scania’s new industrial facility for assembly of complete vehicles situated in Jafza (Jebel Ali Free Zone) will be open for business later this month. With this industrial plant, Scania will become the first automotive assembler in the UAE and will supply completed vehicles to the whole GCC.
Located in a 20,000 square metre industrial site in Jafza, the facility meets the highest environmental standards and is a Green Building, Gold LEED certified. The installation will have the capacity for customisation of about 1,400 vehicles per year. Operations will initially encompass vehicles for construction haulage, such as tipper and concrete trucks, but the facility will also be adapted for bus chassis assembly in the future.
Welcome to Indonesia Tata Nano!!
Tampaknya Indonesia bakal kebagian rezeki dengan masuknya mobil TATA Nano ke Indonesia. Ini merupakan berkah buat masyarakat miskin Indonesia yang sangat memerlukan kendaraan untuk menunjang mobilitas yang aman.
Tapi tampaknya beberapa pihak di Indonesia mulai mempersulit. Budaya "kalau bisa dipersulit mengapa dipermudah" pun muncul. Dari berita di bawah ini diambil kesimpulan.
1. Menperin seharusnya tidak mempersulit masuknya TATA Nano ke Indoneia. Semakin banyak pemain di industri otomotif membuat persaingan semakin sehat dan menguntungkan konsumen.
2. Wajar saja pihak asosiasi akan menolak dengan halus masuk-nya mobil ini. Ini bisa dipahami bahwa bisnis mereka akan terganggu atau paling tidak mereka jadi "terpaksa" memberikan mobil bermutu tapi murah di Indonesia.
3. Alasan pihak asosiasi bahwa Indonesia akan lebih baik memilih membuat mobil sendiri adalah "bullshit". Mempermainkan nasionalisme untuk keuntungan bisnis anggota asosiasi. Terbukti sudah sudah hampir setengah abad Indonesia merdeka dan sudah hampir ribuan trilyun rupiah devisa negara dibawa ke Jepang dan Korea yang menjadi anggota asosiasi, Indonesia tidak pernah "diberi" dan diperbolehkan memproduksi mobil sendiri. Bahkan sekalas ASTRA dan Indomobil tidak pernah menggubris ajakan pemerintah memproduksi massal mobil marlip rancangan putra-putri Indonesia.
Ketakutan ini sama dengan ketakutan saat mobil korea mulai merajai jalanan di Indonesia menggeser Jepang. Para kepanjangan tangabn Jepang bahkan melakukan berbagai ancaman kepada pihak pemerintah.
4. Apabila mobil ini masuk ada kemungkinan asosiasi akan mengancam mem-PHK karyawan. Ini sebenarnya dalih lama sama seperti Daihatsu dulu mau memproduksi Xenia dan sama kasusnya ketika Timor, Perkasa dan mobil rancangan BPPT berani digalakkan pemerintah.
5. Kalaupun pemerintah melihat bahwa jalan-jalan di Jakarta sudah sangat sesak dengan mobil. Pemerintah kan bisa membuat aturan bahwa mobil ini hanya bisa dijual di luar Jakarta. Dengan ketentuan bila dijual di Jakarta akan mendapatkan pajak.
6. Kalaupun mobil ini masuk ke Indonesia, Indonesia harus memastikan bahwa harganya harus sama dengan di India. Artinya kalau harganya juga naik, pemerintah tidak seharusnya memberikan "bonus" dan keringan buat mobil rakyat ini.
7. Memasukkan mobil murah ini ke Indonesia, akan membantu angka kecelakaan menurun, karena banyak pemilik motor beralih ke mobil yang lebih aman.
8. Alasan asosiasi yang meragukan kualitas produksi TATA sangat tidak masuk akal. Karena hampir seluruh dunia salut dengan kualitas mobil ini dan TATA juga adalah pemilik jaguar yang beberap tingkat kualitasnya dengan mobil Jepag, Korea dan bahkan China.
9. Salut buat dubes India yang merespon langsung rilis mobil TATA ini yang langsung proaktif melobbi pemerintah Indonesia.
India telah melobi pemerintah Indonesia dalam hal ini Departemen Perindustrian untuk memasukkan mobil buatan murah buatannya yakni Tata Nano. Namun Indonesia belum bisa memberi jawaban.
"Kemarin Duta Besar India menanyakan bisa nggak mobil ini (Tata Nano) masuk ke Indonesia, tapi saya tidak bisa bilang ya atau tidak karena kita adalah anggota WTO yang menghargai prinsip-prinsip aturan WTO," kata Menteri Perindustrian Fahmi Idris dalam acara pembukaan IIMS ke-16, di JCC, Jakarta, Jumat (11/7/2008).
Leko - the Ikea car
Is Ikea planning to branch into automobile manufacture?
A microsite for the mysterious Leko suddenly appeared linked from the Ikea France site. It features a rotating car covered with cloth and a designer called Christophe Grazs talking about it in French. I have no idea what he's talking about but I can probably get my brother-in-law to tell what he is going on about.
It has generated a fair amount of interest but seems a lot of people are not taking it seriously.
I hope they are not going to ask their customers to assemble it using an Allen key.
Funny Mini Clubman ad
Watch the funny ad of two MINI Clubman on the German autobahn.
The Reva Electric Car Company announces the world premiere of its new Concept Car; REVA-NXG
Kapil Sibal, Union Minister for Science & Technology, launched ‘REVA-NXG,’ the next generation Electric Vehicle created by REVA Electric Car Company Pvt. Ltd. (RECC) in Monaco last week.
Reva electric car received European Economic Community certification
A model sits inside a Reva electric car in front of the Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources building in New Delhi in this file photo. India's first electric car, launched two years ago, has received European Economic Community certification, paving the way for exports to the continent from January, the Reva Electric Car Company said on Tuesday.
India may soon have car powered by hydrogen
If a group of defence scientists and automobile engineers has its way, people could soon be driving in India in a hydrogen fuel cell-powered mini car that could double up as a power generator.
Satu lagi mobil termurah India: Tara Tiny
Mobil khabarnya lebih murag 1000 rupess dari mobil tata nano. Kapan yanh launching nya?
Qingdao Aucma Electric Science & Technology Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Aucma Electric Science & Technology Co., Ltd. adalah produsen mobil listrik di China. Khabarnya perusahaan ini akan bekerja sama dengan perusahaan Tara Tiny di India memproduksi mobil termurah di dunia dengan banderal 90.000 rupees sementara rekor termurah dipegang oleh TATA Nano dengan harga 1 Lakhs atau 100.000 rupess.
Nasib si Marlip dan cemerlangnya mobil murah TATA
Nasib apes bakal dialami mobil marlip apabila Tata Nano masuk ke Indonesia. Sekali lagi rancangan buatan Indonesia akan masuk dapur dan bakal mungkin masuk tong sampah. TATA yang juga memiliki mobil elit Jaguar akan melibas mobil murah lain di Indonesia. ada beberapa kemungkinan hancurnya prospek masa depan Marlip ini
1. Kalangan pemodal Indonesia tidak ada yang tertarik memproduksi massal mobil malip
2. Pemerintahpun enggan dengan serius menstimulasi investor untuk mengembangkan marlip sebagai produk Indonesia
3. Pihak marlip gagal memperkenalkan dan memancing ketertarikan pemodal dalam negeri atau luar negeri untuk memasukkan modal ke Indonesia.
4. Depdag, perindustrian atau deplu seakan-akan enggan dan malu emmperkenalkan konsep marlip di luar negeri, untuk memancing pemodal. Padahal ada ratusan pameran di LN yang diadakan Indonesia.
5. Padahal sekarang ini investor khususnya dari teluk sedang gencar-gencarnya investasi dibidang otomotif. UAE bahkan akan membuat mobil murah di Pakistan.
Tata Nano launch today
Tata Nano the World's cheapest car will be commercially launched today.
Watch the 10 things you should know about the Tata Nano slideshow on the Time site.
Go to the Tata Nano microsite for more information about the car.
Gold-plated Samand in Tehran
A gold-plated Samand LX sedan dazzles onlookers in the Iranian capital after an accident forces its owners to drive the car around Tehran.
The owners of a 1-million dollar Samand had no choice but to drive the vehicle through the streets of Tehran when the truck carrying the car to a Caspian Sea port collided with a pick-up.
Buy new fantastic proton car for only Rp. 75 mln
Malaysian National Car Manufacturer, Proton has launched it’s new SAGA last 18th Jan. An attractive ads promote on TV made me eager to see it on my own. Yes, it’s a new SAGA, replacement for the 23 years old Proton Saga,first Malaysian car. You have to see it on your own and judge this 16th model in Proton’s family. For me, the interior is quite simple, but the design quite nice.
Indonesian car market recovering with sales up 7.4% in Feb
Indonesia's car market began to pick up with sales rising 7.4 per cent to 34,000 units in February, after being on the decline since late last year. In January sales sank to 31,634 units from 39,000 units in December representing a sharp fall from 46,122 units year-on-year.
The launching of new models and big cuts in the benchmark interest rate (BI Rate) by Bank Indonesia boosted sales, said Jojana Djodi, sales general manager of PT Toyota Astra Motor.
Mitsubishi Motors debuts two models in Geneva
i MiEV (white) and the i MiEV SPORT AIR (blue) concepts
Mitsubishi Motors Corporation launched two concepts at the 79th Geneva International Motor Show at the Geneva Palexpo exhibition and conference complex on the 3rd of this month.
The two new cars are the i MiEV and the i MiEV SPORT AIR concept models. MiEV stands for Mitsubishi innovative Electric Vehicle.
The i MiEV prototype is the precursor to a model that will be introduced to the European market in 2010.
The i MiEV SPORT AIR does bear a close resemblance to the VW Beetle.
3 new Minis
Mini fans rejoice. Mini will present three new models at the Geneva Motor Show(March 5th - 15th).
The three models are the MINI John Cooper Works Cabrio, a new MINI One and the MINI One Clubman. For more info, visit the special Mini site.
Check out the exclusive video: