The Christian Science Monitor (CSM) has reported on two business partners in Gaza who have converted a 1994 Peugeot 205 into an electric car capable of going 110 miles on a single charge using 34 standard lead-acid car batteries.
When gas costs $50 per gallon, creative solutions seem to spring forth
The all-electric Javlon car
This is the look of the Javlon, an all-electric car coming next year from newcomer Miles Automotive Group. The prototype is being finished up in a factory in China. So how come we have a picture now? A Chinese company currently uses the same chassis on a gas car.
Helm Buatan Indonesia
Sepuluh tahun lalu, ketika penjualan sepeda motor di Indonesia terus tumbuh, helm dari negara tetangga, seperti Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, China, dan Korea menyerbu Indonesia. Terutama untuk segmen menengah atau seharga Rp 200.000 sampai Rp 500.000.
Sepeda Listrik Semakin Diminati
Sepeda listrik semakin digemari masyarakat karena hemat dan tidak mencemari lingkungan. UD Armada Jaya, diler sepeda listrik merek Trekko yang beralamat di Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto Kota Yogyakarta, misalnya, bisa menjual 20-an unit per bulan.
Animo masyarakat diperkirakan semakin tinggi karena sepeda listrik terbukti bandel dan perawatannya mudah. Berbeda dengan motor bensin yang ribet karena banyak onderdil, piranti utama sepeda listrik hanya berupa dinamo, aki, dan penstabil arus listrik.
Auto club backs commercial vehicles event
The Automobile and Touring Club of the UAE (ATCUAE), has expressed its endorsement for the region’s first specialised trade event for commercial vehicles.
Iran Khodro Diesel to Build bus Plant in Syria
Flanked by Syrian Minister of Industry Fuad Issa al-Jouni, the Iranian Minister of Industries and Mines Ali-Akbar Mehrabian talking to reporters after the 8th session of Iran-Syria Industrial Committee said, “The establishment of bus and commercial car plant by Iran Khodro Diesel in Syria is among the articles of the agreement Iran and Syria signed.”
The Republic of Mordovia Welcomes Cooperation with IKCO
The economic corporations of the Republic of Mordovia of Russia welcome mutual investment and cooperation with Iran Khodro.
IKCO Products in SYRMOTORSHOW 2009
The 9th Syrian International Motor Show, "SYRMOTORSHOW 2009", inaugurated on July 1, 2009 with the participation of nine Iranian car, part and component making companies.
Know How Exchange between IKCO and Russian Companies
"IKCO is a distinct company not only within Iran but in the region as well and a large number of Russian companies desire to develop ties with this Industrial Group," Oleg V. Akulinichev, the general director of the Russian-Iranian Business Council said
Samand Pageantry in Dakar Int'l Fair
Iran Khodor's Samand is going to show off shoulder to shoulder other creditable brands from all over the world in the 18th International Trade Show of Senegal (FIDAK).
More CNG Stations Planned in Iran
Iran plans to build 400 more compressed natural gas (CNG) stations by the end of the current Iranian year (ends March 20, 2010) to reduce gasoline consumption. Oil Minister Gholamhossein Nozari said 880 CNG stations are currently providing gas to dual-fuel cars in the country, IRNA wrote.
Iran to develop dual-fuel NG-diesel engines
Iranian diesel engine manufacturing company, DESA, is designing an advanced dual-fuel engine that runs on a blend of natural gas (NG) and diesel fuel.
Brunei Rolls Royce
Iran unveils heavy-duty diesel engine
Iran's first national heavy-duty diesel engine, dubbed D87, was unveiled on Thursday, making the country as the 12th manufacturer of the product worldwide.
Tehran Classic Car Show Inaugurated
The Second Tehran Classic Car Show opened at Niavaran Palace on Monday, displaying about 60 classic models of cars manufactured by Iranian automakers.
Car and Cultures of Iran
The boss of SAIPA, Iran’s second biggest car maker claims that they’ve been contacted by some ‘ big automakers ‘ from America and they’ve invited them to participate in joint projects! according to an Iranian news agency. He wouldn’t say in which fields they gonna participate! Mehrdad Bazrpash adds that the economic downturn caused even some European car makers to consider selling shares to SAIPA.
Borac Laraki: A Sportcar Made in Marocco
Borac (or Borac Laraki) (Arabic: البراق) is the brand name of a Moroccan sportscar. It was entirely conceived and manufactured by Laraki group.
It was originally unveiled as a concept at the 2005 Geneva Motor Show. The car is planned for production, although a final design has yet to be unveiled.
Tofaş Şahin: Car Made in Turkey
The Tofaş Şahin, Dogan and Kartal are Turkish versions of the old Fiat 131 automobile made in Turk Otomobil Fabrikasi A.S. facilities in Bursa, Turkey.
USD Mallett Z03: Ugur Sahin’s Corvette Z03 conversion enters production
Ugur Sahin has made many of our dreams come true on paper with the USD GT-S Passionata Concept and the Corvette Z03 Concept. Now Ugur Sahin will be bringing the latter of the two to real life for a limited series production in partnership with Mallett.
See more Ugur Sahin designs here, here, here, here and here.
Edan, Tenan! Yamaha Mio Jadi Motor Sport Klasik
Edan, tenan! Modifikasi ini top banget, deh. Bayangkan, Ressan Wintananda, SE, pemilik Yamaha Mio 2005 mengubahnya jadi model sport. Bergaya klasik pula. Reza, begitu dirinya sering disapa, memang ingin lepas dari aliran gaya low rider, hot rod atau drag style yang lagi digandrungi para builders skutik.
Airpod, Barack Obama Pun Suka
Mobil ini begitu kerennya sampai-sampai Presiden Amerika Serikat Barack Obama pun dikabarkan memesan satu unit.
Selain Presiden AS, tak terkecuali perusahaan pun ikut ngiler. Beberapa diantaranya sudah melakukan 'test drive' secara resmi, yakni maskapai penerbangan Air France dan KLM. Mobil ini juga ada prestasi lagi. 56 negara mau membuatnya dalam beberapa tahun kedepan.
Comment: Seharusnya juga pejabat Indonesia membeli mobnas rancangan SMK
Jaguar to cut jobs and more auto news
Jaguar has just announced that it may cut up to 300 jobs at its Halewood plant on Merseyside. This follows news that they will end production of the Jaguar X-Type.
More info here
Earlier Aston Martin had also announced that about 95 workers in Gaydon in Warwickshire would lose their jobs .
More news here
In another news, Toyota may build a hybrid version of the Auris hatchback here in the UK.
Read more here
Juli, Pasar Mobil Bisa Capai 42.000 (Mobnas gigit Jari deh!)
Pasar mobil nasional akan mencapai angka 42.000 unit bulan ini. Target ini bukan isapan jempol semata, memang industri otomotif nasional digiring perlahan-lahan ke arah yang lebih baik.
Volkswagen to Build Factory in Indonesia This Year
The Germany automotive manufacturer, Volkswagen, plans to develop its market in Indonesia and other countries in South-East Asia.
It will build a car factory producing the VW Caravel model Touran this year in West Java.
Turkish bus manufacturer Otokar, part of the Koç Group, has completed the first prototype of a Doruk midibus fitted with a hybrid drive. This first vehicle is used now by Otokar for their own extensive testing. A second prototype vehicle is scheduled for construction later this year
Emperatoor: Made in Iran SUV limousine luxury vehicle
Iran showcased an SUV limousine luxury vehicle dubbed Emperatoor (Emperor), to become the second country to make VIP cars.
Saga Termurah di Australia
Proton Cars Australia mengungkapkan bahwa Proton Saga akan menjadi mobil sedan termurah di Australia. Akan tetapi Proton Cars Australia belum bisa memastikan varian mesin apa yang akan dipasarkan di negeri kangguru tersebut.
Wow, Inden Exora Capai 14.000 Unit
Proton Holdings Bhd mengaku masih sibuk menangani pemesanan 14.000 unit Exora di Malaysia yang belum terkirim kepada pemiliknya, dan berjanji akan memenuhinya dalam tiga sampai empat bulan ke depan.
Proton Tenang Ekspor Exora Ke Indonesia
Proton Holdings Bhd mengatakan siap mengekspor MPV anyar mereka, Proton Exora, ke Indonesia dalam beberapa pekan ke depan, meski beberapa pabrikan otomotif asal Jepang memiliki strategi khusus menandingi Exora.
Exora Manual Meluncur
Perdana Menteri Malaysia Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak secara resmi meluncurkan model terbaru Proton Saga Special Edition (Saga SE) dan Exora bertransmisi manual hari Selasa (7/7) di ajang Felda Settlers Day 2009.