The funny G-wiz

When I saw the G-Wiz for the very first time, it brought a smile to my lips. This is apparently quite different from my friend's reactions when they first laid eyes on this unusually shaped car.  UGLY was the term they used to describe it.

The first time I saw this car was in London and the reason I found the car amusing was not the shape which does look funny but because there were two of these cars parked in a single parking space. I only learnt later that these cars are pure electric cars and built by an Indian company based in Bangalore called the Reva Electric Car Company. It is sold under the G-Wiz brand name in the UK by GoinGreen and costs about £7500 which makes it one of the cheapest green cars.

Their latest model, the G-Wiz L-ion is the world's first commercially produced lithium-ion powered electric vehicle.

The car is meant for urban driving and seats two adults and two kids. It is said to have a range of around 80 Kms per charge using lead acid batteries or 120 Kms on lithium ion batteries.

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Being well groomed will take you places

How often have we heard the saying "the first impression is the last impression". Well, a survey commissioned by Gillette and conducted by Harris Interactive, confirms that it is true.

One of the most critical grooming cue for making a good first impression was having a clean-shaven face. Other no nos include body odour or sweat stains. Also make sure you wear good fitting, nicely pressed and and appropriate clothing as well.

Apparently it's not just the first impression that matters. Being well groomed may very well help you in your career and get the sports car of your dreams. I am not joking. According to the survey, most HR professionals agreed that well-groomed employees do better in the corporate race as compared to those who don't take care of how they look.

So if you are one of those who never bothered to look in the mirror while going to work, you should be worried. Especially in these bad economic times.

However, hope is on the way. You may not only keep your job but get that Ferrari as well. Gillette has launched Gillette Career Advantage on their website and you can get expert advice from career expert Mark Jeffries and GQ style correspondent, Brett Fahlgren.

Brett Fahlgren

On the site, you can take the Gillette career quiz and find out what HR professionals really think.

For more information of what Gillette has to offer for you and to read the survey findings, visit the Gillette Resource Center. Loads of other useful resources as well.


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Porsche Kembangkan Mobil Sport Listrik

Sebuah laporan terbaru menyatakan, pabrikan otomotif asal Jerman yaitu Porsche, saat ini sedang bekerja keras untuk mengembangkan sebuah mobil sport bertenaga listrik.

Porsche listrikLaporan itu menegaskan, dalam sebuah wawancara dengan majalah otomotif Jerman Welt am Sonntag,Presiden Direktur Porsche Michael Macht nenyatakan, pihaknya kini tengah intensif mengembangkan mobil sport bertenaga listrik. Macht mengaku, konsep mobil tersebut akan segera ditampilkan meski produksinya baru akan terlaksana lima atau sepuluh tahun mendatang.

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Tata secures loan to develop electric cars

The Tata Motors European Technical Centre (TMETC), which is based in the University of Warwick Campus has secured a £10 million loan from British Government to produce a four seater electric car. Tata Motors will pump in a further £25 million.

The car which is based on the Tata Indica Vista is expected to go into production by the end of this year.

The Tata Indica Vista

TMETC was set up in the UK in 2005 as a 100% subsidiary of Tata Motors. The centre is engaged in design engineering and the development of products for the automotive industry.

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Medan Lebih Familiar dengan Proton

Kedekatannya secara geografis dengan Pulau Pinang, membuat Medan ternyata lebih familiar dengan merek Proton. Bahkan di Sumatera Utara ini, permintaan untuk mobil-mobil Proton cukup tinggi.

"Di Medan tiap dealer itu bisa dapat pesanan hampir 100 unit untuk semua tipe Proton," ungkap President Director PT Proton Edar Indonesia (PEI) Ricky HK Too di sela perkenalan Proton Exora di Hotel Darmawangsa, Jakarta, Rabu (15/7/2009).

Kondisi ini, kata dia mungkin disebabkan Medan yang dekat dengan Pulau Pinang. "Jadi merek Proton di sana sudah familiar sama seperti di Malaysia," katanya.

Walau demikian, dia berharap, kesuksesan di Medan tersebut juga bisa terjadi di kota-kota lain khususnya Jakarta.

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Avrocar: Next Gen. Car

A prototype flying disk, which ascended vertically and, it was hoped, would eventually reach speeds of 1,500 mph. American engineers tinkered with the sleek design for years but were to solve severe stability problems, and it never flew more than 2.5 meters above the ground.

In 1952, Avro Canada began to study designs for a supersonic circular wing fighter-bomber using $400,000 in funding from the Canadian government with allocated. After the funding ran out the Canadian government abandoned the project, but enough progress had been made to spark the interest of the US government. In July 1954, the first of two US Air Force contracts totaling $1.9 million was awarded to Avro for further study.

Avro itself invested in $2.5 million and completed design studies and small-scale tests on a vehicle designated the P.V. 704 (US designation, System 606A). The 606A design was almost 30 ft. in diameter with a maximum weight of 27,000 lb. and a design speed over 1,000 mph.

The US Army became interested in the project in 1958, feeling that the circular wing could fit in with its plans for a "flying jeep." The Air Force agreed to redirect its effort as this could demonstrate the design features of the 606A concept in less time at a must lower price. The resulting craft was named Avrocar and given the Army designation VZ-9AV (VZ for vertical takeoff research aircraft, 9 as it was the ninth in a series and AV for Avro).

The Avrocar was a saucer-shaped disk 18 ft in diameter and 3 ft thick, it was designed to go 300 mph and able to fly to an altitude of 10,000 ft. It weighed 5,650 lb. and had separate cockpits for two crew members.

Three Continental J-69 turbojet engines powered a centrally located fan with a diameter of 5 feet. Two prototypes rolled out of the factory in May and August 1959. The first Avrocar (58-7055) was sent to NASA Ames, Moffett Field, California. It first flew there on May 17, 1961 and was also used for wind-tunnel testing.

The second Avrocar made its first tethered flight, lasting 12 seconds, on Sep. 29, 1959, and its first untethered flight occurred on Nov. 12, 1959. Formal Air Force flight evaluations took place at Avro in April 1960 and June 1961. These demonstrated a maximum speed was 35 mph, while the research at NASA showed that the Avrocar was aerodynamically unstable.

The program was terminated in December 1961 after a total of $10 million had been spent. At Avro (UK) project 724 never proceeded beyond the designs stage in June 1953. The two prototypes reside today at the US Army Transportation Museum and at the Smithsonian NASM Garber site.

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Two new Minis unvieled

Two new MINI's were unveiled today - the MINI Coupé and a twin. They will be built at the BMW factory in Cowley, near Oxford.

Watch their crazy launch video:

Both cars will be at the IAA - International Motor Show from September 17th onwards.

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The New SublimeNZ Car

The KNIGHT-XV is an armoured vehicle and not a vehicle that has been armored. This means that unlike most vehicles that are armoured after-market, the KNIGHT XV is manufactured using military-grade armouring materials.

With its distinct size, extraordinary security features and ultra-luxurious interior appointments, the KNIGHT XV provides one of the most unique vehicle ownership experiences in today's SUV marketplace. The innovative and incomparable KNIGHT XV takes approximately 1,500 hours to hand build with precision craftsmanship and attention to detail that one can expect from a vehicle of this caliber.

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Toyota exports boost Japan's economy

Japan's current account surplus widened more than expected in January as exports surged, stoking growth in the world's second-largest economy.

The surplus expanded 50 per cent to ¥1.19 trillion ($12.8 billion) from a year earlier, the Ministry of Finance said in Tokyo yesterday.

The median estimate of 27 economists surveyed by Bloomberg was for ¥1.04 trillion.

Japan's economy grew at the fastest pace in three years in the fourth quarter, as rising overseas demand prompted companies to boost spending on factories and machinery. The current account surplus may keep widening as exporters such as Toyota ship more goods and as cheaper oil helps limit the nation's import bill.

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Government of Canada Provides Forces with Modern Trucks while Benefitting Economy

The Honourable Peter Gordon MacKay, Minister of National Defence and Minister of the Atlantic Gateway, together with the Honourable Josée Verner, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, today announced the contract award for the Canadian Forces’ new medium-sized logistic trucks.

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DRDO Reva: Mobil Listrik Untuk Militer?

Dari gambar ini tampaknya mobil listri Reva bakal digunakan untuk tujuan militer. Coba perbesar gambarnya, nampak stempel dan lambang departemen pertahanan India. Baru saja diluncurkan, Reva, mobil listrik buatan India, langsung mendapat sambutan hangat dari anak negerinya. Beberapa instansi pemerintah berlomba-lomba untuk membelinya. Sebuah antusiasmi peradaban yang baik

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Wowww!!! Penjualan Mobil di Indonesia Agustus Mencapai 48.178 Unit

Jika penjualan motor mencapai rekor tertingginya di bulan Agustus bagaimana dengan penjualan roda empat?

Berdasarkan data dari Gaikindo yang diperoleh dari PT Honda Prospect Motor, Jumat (11/9/2009), penjualan mobil di bulan Agustus juga mencapai rekor tertinggi selama tahun 2009 ini.

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Penjualan Ford Naik Berkat Mobil Polisi

PT Ford Motor Indonesia (FMI) sebagai pemasok mobil Ford di Indonesia sepertinya harus banyak berterima kasih kepada Kepolisian Republik Indonesia.

Hal ini dikarenakan kebijakan Polri membeli mobil patroli baru untuk Polda Jabar, Polda Banten, dan Polda Metro Jaya di bulan Agustus silam langsung berdampak dan mengerek penjualan Ford hingga empat kali lipat dari angka penjualan bulan sebelumnya.

Ford pun akhirnya masuk dalam 7 besar penjualan mobil terbanyak di bulan Agustus lalu. Dari data penjualan mobil bulanan dari Gaikindo, Jumat (11/9/2009, penjualan FMI boleh dibilang meroket dari hanya 458 unit di bulan Juli menjadi 1.632 unit di bulan Agustus.

Biasanya penjualan Ford berada di kisaran 400-600 unit per bulannya. Ini tentu saja menjadi prestasi tersendiri terlebih dorongan yang diberikan polisi itu juga berbarengan dengan masa menjelang lebaran yang memang secara tradisional menjadikan pasar naik dari bulan sebelumnya.

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Bajaj XCD 125 DTS-Si Tampilan Baru Harga Tetap

Sepeda motor sport XCD 125 DTS-Si keluaran pabrikan otomotif asal India, Bajaj Auto Limited, kini berpenampilan baru, yaitu dengan tambahan rem cakram (disc brake).

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The Dongfeng Brave Soldier is a fine TV-car in Peacetime

China's first Hummer is now available for semi-private use, which is for companies and government agencies in businesses as forest control, mining, geology and more of the rough stuff. Hubei TV, a local station from Hubei Province, found another good use for the Brave Soldier.

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Cara bayar pajak mobil

Tanggal 24 Jan 2009 bayar pajak mobil Rp. 1.971.900
Cara pembayaran :
- dokumen yg diperlukan : fotokopi BPBKP, STNK dan KTP
- harus dibawa : BPKP, STNK dan KTP pemilik asli, pulpen
- Datanglah pagi-pagi ambil nomor antrian
- Ambil formulir di loby untuk roda 4
- Isi formulir (pulpen harus bawa sendiri)

- Fotokopi BPKB, STNK dan KTP (bayar 2000)
- Masukkan formulir plus persyaratan ke loket 1 (roda 4) (BPKB asli cukup ditunjukkan, KTP dan STNK asli diserahkan)
- Tunggu sampe dipanggil
- Setelah dipanggil akan nerima notice berisi jumlah yg harus dibayar
- bawa notice langsung bayar di loket 2
- Tunggu sampai dipanggil di loket 3
- STNK baru dan KTP asli diserahkan di loket 3
- Selesai

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Mobil Murah Tata Nano: Di India Rp22 Juta, di Indonesia Rp50 Juta

Mobil super murah Tata Nano telah resmi diluncurkan pabrikan mobil India, Tata Motors di Mumbai India Senin (23/3/2009) lalu. Namun masyarakat Indonesia sebaiknya tidak banyak berharap bisa memiliki mobil dengan harga 100 ribu rupee (sekitar Rp22 juta) itu.

“Belum ada pembicaraan atau isyarat sedikitpun bahwa Tata Nano mau masuk ke Indonesia,” ujar Dirjen Industri Alat Transportasi dan Telematika, Budi Darmadi kepada Jawa Pos kemarin. Biasanya setiap prinsipal mobil di luar negeri akan melapor terlebih dahulu ke pemerintah jika ingin masuk ke pasar Indonesia. Setidaknya informasi itu akan disampaikan sejak jauh hari.

Budi menegaskan, mobil murah asal India itu tidak akan dilepas dengan harga murah di Indonesia. Setidaknya berbagai macam pajak siap menanti sehingga harganya menjadi “tidak murah lagi”. Biaya untuk memasukkan mobil ke Indonesia sangat besar, minimal dari sisi bea masuk impor saja berkisar 40-45 persen tergantung kapasitas mesin dan jenis mobilnya. “Apakah sedan atau minivan itu beda, belum lagi tergantung CC-nya,” kata Budi.

Kalaupun Tata Nano masuk ke Indonesia, Budi yakin harganya lebih dari Rp 50 juta per unit. Sebab, selain harus membayar bea masuk, importir juga harus membayar pajak pertambahan nilai (PPN) dan PPnBM (pajak penjualan barang mewah) yang nilainya bervariasi sesuai nomor HS (harmonized system) mobil itu. “Tahun 2010 nanti semua bea masuk akan disamakan yaitu 40 persen, tapi dengan kena PPN impor dan PPnBM harganya pasti diatas Rp 50 juta,” tegasnya.

Harga lebih mahal itu bukan saja dari sisi pajak. Menurut Budi, mobil Tata Nano itu harus memiliki sistim keselamatan yang memadai, misal Air Bag (bantal udara) dan sistim pengereman ABS (air brake system). Kalaupun mau menambahkan perangkat itu tentu membutuhkan biaya yang tidak sedikit. Misal, ABS harganya Rp 4 jutaan per unit. “Syarat keamanan Tata Nano kurang memadai, kalau mau berkendara aman tentu harus keluar uang lagi, “ lanjutnya.

Namun begitu, pemerintah tidak akan melarang mobil murah yang belum memiliki sistim keamanan itu masuk ke Indonesia. Menurut dia, segala jenis mobil mulai yang premium (sangat mahal) hingga yang sangat murah diperkenankan masuk ke Indonesia asalkan membayar pajak. “Dari Mercy yang harganya miliaran hingga Tata Nano silahkan saja kalau mau masuk, asal bayar pajak,” cetusnya.

Menurut Budi, Indonesia juga terus menaggagas pembuatan mobil murah seperti di India. Namun bedanya, Indonesia tetap akan berpijak pada prinsip berkendara yang aman. Artinya, tidak mengorbankan faktor keselamatan demi harga yang murah. “Beberapa institusi dan industri sedang mencoba membuat mobil seperti itu, konsepnya low cost car,” ungkap dia.

Beberapa masih dalam tahap eksperimental, seperti mobil yang dibuat PT Industri Kereta Api (INKA) di Madiun dengan nama GEA (Gulirkan Energi Alternatif). Mobil GEA tersebut memakai bahan bakar gas yang dijamin bisa ramah lingkungan. Selain itu juga pabrikan lokal yang akan menggarap mobil sejenis itu, dengan nama Tawon. “Saya lupa nama perusahaannya, ada juga yang di Semarang. Sekarang masih prototype jadi belum tahu harganya,” jelasnya. (wir)

Pabrik Indonesia Sedang Garap Mobil Tawon


Estimasi Pajak Impor Mobil

Bea Masuk 40 persen

PPN 10 persen

PPnBM 30 persen

Ket : Untuk Tata Nano perlu

Perangkat tambahan seperti

Air Bag dan ABS.

Diolah dari berbagai sumber

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Parax: Iran unveils another electric car

Iranian university students at Qazvin's Azad University -- northwest of Tehran -- have designed and produced a new two-seat electric car.

A fifteen-member team of university students worked on the new plug-in car for 10 months.

The new car, named the Parax, weighs 450 kg and is lighter than another electric car that was unveiled at Tehran's Khaje Nasir Toosi University last week.

The Qasedak-e-Nasir (Dandelion of Nasir) weighed 700 kg.

Once the battery of the Parax is charged, it can cover a distance of 100 kilometers and can reach a velocity of 110 kph, the Mehr News Agency reported.

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Dong Feng to invest $250m in new Turkish car plant

China's third-largest carmaker Dong Feng Motor is to invest $250 million in a planned Turkish plant with an annual capacity of 52,000 units, Turkey's government investment agency said on Wednesday.

Feasibility studies for the location are being carried out and construction should begin in the first quarter of 2010, the government investment agency said in a statement.

It also said Korean steel manufacturer Posco would make an initial greenfield investment in Turkey of $24 million to produce annually 170,000 million tonnes of flat steel, to be used primarily for the automotive sector.

Hyundai Assan, a joint enterprise between carmaker Hyundai and Turkey's Kibar Holding, announced on Wednesday it had chosen Turkey as the site for production of its new i20 series.

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